This is the most powerful device I have ever come across. For nine years I have studied only experimental health devices. I personally own 25 different types of vibrational devices; color, sound, magnetic, zappers, Tesla devices, frequency, subtle energy devices and more. I have found this machine to be the best with the quickest results. The Body Enhancer is all the machines rolled up in one. It is used in many holistic clinics in America, Mexico and around the world.

Can be set up vertically or on the side.
Electrotherapy, the wave of the future
Every cell in the body has a tiny battery in it. When that battery becomes low from stress, injury or disease it will have electrical difficulty. This device charges the cells back up just like a battery charger does to your cell phone. Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg found Cancer is 15 Millivolts of the cells, an aged cell is about 50 Millivolts and a normal cell is about 100 Millivolts This device powers the voltage back up in those cells so the chemical, hormones and enzymatic processes can work properly.
People have reported great benefits
*Increased physical and mental energy
*Stimulates endorphin production and neurotransmitter output. This may be why there is an effect on mood, meditation, mental clarity, better memory and relaxation.
*Improves nutrient absorption and assimilation.
*Improves digestive and stimulates metabolism.
*Speeds recovery after surgery and injuries.
*Releases toxins and heavy metals
*Deep sleep and more vivid dreams is very common. Now your body has the energy to heal while you are asleep.
It can be used as a crystal therapy device by placing crystals on the skin to incorporate that particular crystal or gemstone frequency*
The board is 24" x 19" weighs 18 pounds
The black transfomer box is 14" x 11" x 6 weighs 23 pounds
The box the bulb sits in is 14" x 11" x 10" weighs 3 pounds

You can place the board with your toes pointing toward the transfomer or turn the board sideways and have the transfomer to your left or right/ You can slide the board under the bed or chair easily when finished.

This is the intensity dial. It controls the power from zero on up. I am the only distributor that has this feature. Very Needed!!!!!!!!!
People have reported results with Fibryomyalgia, Lupus, paralysis, gangrene, edema, heart conditions, arthritis, severe back pain, swelling, increased energy, increased mental clarity, better sleep, help with abnormal cells and soooooo much more. I could go on and on with results people have told me.
Why It Works
1. It moves the circulation quickly, pushes fresh blood in and pulls sticky toxic blood out.
2. Pulses a magnetic field, we are a pulsing field not a static magnetic field.
3. Puts back the north magnetic field around the outer covering of the red blood cells so they repel each other again . This means the red blood cells are not sticky any more and they flow easily through the veins and arteries. Some people say it feels like their blood as been turned on like a faucet.
4. As the circulation starts flowing quickly, it moves and drains the lymphatic system which runs along side the circulatory system. We are 60% lymph material and the toxins accumulate in the lymph's. This drains the lymphatic system thus releasing fluids. Great for the lymph nodes.
5. This can create a more balanced alkaline state, disease lives in a high acidic state, when the body becomes more alkaline or a PH balance it could reverse to normal health. Read the book "Flood Your Body With Oxygen" Therapy For Our Polluted World by Ed MC Cabe
6.We are made up of electricity, we are spinning electrons and when we are in pain or dis-ease we are missing harmonic frequencies. This can replace those missing frequencies. The copper and aluminum oscillate off each other causing a broad band of harmonic frequencies. The copper is at one end of the mineral spectrum with the aluminum at the other end. Your body will use the harmonics it needs and disperse what it does not need.
7. When we are in pain, we have a build up of positive ions. The Body Enhancer replaces the body with healthy negative ions, thus releasing the excess positive ions. Ever see the info-commercial where people are lined up in a convention to try a negative ion bracelet and immediately their pain is gone? This is because the positive ions are released.
8. The Body Enhancer creates more oxygen in the blood because it ozonates the tissues of the hands when holding the bulb. The ozone then permeates into the blood steam. Ozone is a germicide. This quickly turns into Oxygen. Oxygen is a nutrient; you can live only a couple minutes without it. Food, supplements and water you can last days without. Use the Finger oximeter and see your oxygen content of your blood before and after.
9. This is literally a cellular massage.
10. When we are in pain we have a build up of too much hydrogen, this replaces that painful area with oxygen. Promoting the feeling of well-bring. Allowing the body to release toxins at its own rate. Hydrogen emits the color red. Oxygen and ozone emits the color blue which is the calming cool peaceful color
11. This device causes electro-poration, meaning the cell membranes become more permeable by opening up the cells more so that the nutrient rich blood can rush in and the toxic waste can flush out for detoxification
12. The Body Enhancer Causes better hydration and makes the communication of the cells perform much better.
13. This enhances the sodium/potassium exchange of the cells. Charging up the pump so it can work better. The more electrical energy it has the more efficient it works. Remember we are electricity. The food we eat is electricity, frequencies and millivolts. A potato can run an electrical clock. But as the potato dies and rots in cannot run the clock. It loses its electrical power. It runs down like we do.
Price $895.00 Add $100.00 for Shipping in USA only Comes in four boxes.
Price $895.00 Add $500.00 for shipping out of country.
To order please visit my website at,
The Vortex Bulb is an extra $220.

The Concentrator is an extra $175.00

This is a U-shaped bulb with E-gas. It is a combination of three inert gases. This is an extra bulb to experiment with. Hang around neck, shoulders, knees. Price $125.00
These testimonials do not mean you would get the same results. The following reports are from people who have experimented with this device I don't give sessions or treatments only a demonstration for the sale of this device, this Is not a medical device approved by the FDA. I make no claims Always consult your physician. Mary Seid
(1) Ya know it's unbelievable- My problem with urinating is 80% healed after being on he enhancer-I CAN"T BELEIVE IT- How freakin amazing!!!!! Today it's like almost as if it even got better and is completely healed- it's like I can't wait to go to the bathroom again. lol!!
Scott Port St. Lucie Florida 12/3
(2) I want to tell you what happened to me. I had stomach pain for days and I thought it would just go away on its own. I have a friend who has a Body Enhancer and he had me try it for a about an hour. It helped with my pain and energy but it was not healing. The pain was getting awful. On the fourth day I was in severe pain and my stomach was swollen. I used the Enhancer for 4 hours that day. Later I went to the hospital and when I told them I had this pain for 4 days they rushed me into surgery. I had had a perforated stomach. The doctor said to me after the surgery that he had never seen any thing like this before but my inside cavity was clean. No infection or peritonitis at all which I could have died from. People die on the fifth day. I was thankful my friend has the Enhancer so I get on it almost everyday now. Tina S. Jacksonville 8/4/05
(3) Last year I bought a Body Enhancer from you and I want to tell you how pleased we are with the results. My wife and I use it for one hour each day and have noticed some excellent results. Our hair has become darker, having lost some of the grey and it grows more quickly than it used to. My wife's bone density has improved immensely, having been slowly diminishing during the last few years and is now normal. The lines on her face have almost disappeared (she is 50) and the readings taken by my bio-resonance practitioner have greatly improved and he tells me my biological age is 28 (I am 80). We think it is an excellent machine and we wouldn't be without it. Thanks you to again. With very best wishes, Reg and Beatrice in the United Kingdom 7/27/05
(4) I know you want to know how I made out since I started with the Body Enhancer. I used it for about an hour and a half altogether-probably had almost 7 hours sleep (amazing for me)..Also did not have heart palpitations......usually by morning my arms and hands are pretty stiff and a little achy - not noticeably today. My feet were much better to walk first thing on arising.
Today I'm kind of thinking that my abdomen is not quite as swollen, feels like an umbrella had opened up. I've been dealing with sinus congestion while I'm in bed; last night I didn't take anything for that, and I almost forgot about it.
My foot is quite a bit better, in fact I'm thinking that maybe the problem with it is that my knee (where the meniscus is torn) is the reason that I don't walk properly and this then puts the foot out of position where it strikes the ground. My ear has had something like eczema of the skin and I've been putting different creams on it; last night I put nothing on it, but held the glass bulb on it for awhile. It certainly is more healed today than when I use topical liquids or creams.I have happy expectations of feeling much, much better in many aspects of my health.Thank you so very much Mary for bringing the Body Enhancer to me so quickly and believe me, I'll use it every day. In appreciation Marnie 2/19
(5) Thanks for the test. Well the Enhancer also amazed my mom. Her knee is doing very well due to the Enhancer she and I believe. When she has pain she goes for extra 10 min. Mom does the Body Enhancer 2x 15 min. and has remarkable results as the specialist was very amazed that her wound and leg did progress so quickly. He does not see this so often he said. What is strange though is that my mom who will be 70 next year and had her menopause several years ago, is starting to have slight Moontime again. Perhaps this is from the balancing effect ,as when I treated my mother couple of years ago with Vortex Healing she had the same occurred. She went to her gynecologist and they did a scan but everything was normal!! When I stopped treating her with Vortex, mother stopped bleeding. Could it be of the balancing effect the Enhancer has on her system??? Have a nice weekend. Desy & Joshua
(6) Have been using the enhancer daily and it really seems to help with energy and find I'm not as depressed and panicked and able to deal with things a little better. Also hypoglycemia better. Cosamina 1/25/05
(7) I'm really starting to notice the effects of the Body Enhancer! Wow! Today I am feeling tingling sensation in my feet all day long (really might be the blood circulating properly for once!). Next my feet turning a purplish-pink color. They used to be more of a yellowish color. I'm also noticing my arms tingle a too, but not as much as my feet. My hands are starting to look much better and veins on the back them have faded away (I mean not protruding out of my skin.) Today Friday, I'm feeling much more energetic! And like I told you yesterday, my low G.I. track is working really well. The colonics, though I know do a lot, have not caused what the B.E. has done. Stuff comes out so much better, better formed, not as often, but more volume. Nice benefit there. Much upper chest area is starting to clear up and the skin is starting to look more reddish colored, not yellowish like before. The dandruff stuff is just flaking off and clearing up. I've started rolling the bulb all over this area for about 10 minutes at 105v. I also have been rolling the bulb all over my belly area and groin area. And man does the bulb pick up gunk from my skin! Like you, and can put the tip of the bulb in my navel. I really think the extra jump in voltage from 95 to 105 has made a difference too (I've even made it to 115v!). Or maybe that I've been on the machine 1hr in the evening and 1hr in the morning might be helping too. But today, I'm really noticing feeling so much better. Still low on the mili-volt machine. But might just be normal for me I guess.The Body Enhancer kicks booty that's for sure. I'm really glad to have this unit.Thanks again for all your help. Take care, Scott
(8) It will be awesome to visit you in the near future. I have to tell you.. I have painted this entire house and my tennis elbow and carpel tunnel have not returned. I truly from the bottom of my soul know that the enhancer cured me. Hugs and Love, Suzie 1/26/05
(9) I have some good news. I bruised my hand the other day by the knuckle. It was a similar bruise to something I had done a year ago which took weeks to heal. I used the enhancer for just 20 minutes last night, about five of those minutes holding the bulb against the swollen area. and i only had the voltage up to about 50 or 60. when i awoke this morning i was surprised to find out the swelling and pain is about 80% to 90% gone. Dan 2/10
(10) When I first received the enhancer I sat with it for about 45 minutes and the the cold I had went away the next day and I was able to go back to work and a big bruise almost completely disappeared. The middle was totally gone while the other two parts were still there as marked as ever so this tells me that this machine does work. Diana
(11) Just returned from a very transformational trip from Egypt. I am still recovering from this: Came back with pneumonia and after sitting with the BE for 2 a 3 x I recovered. Now I skipped 2 days and I am tired again. So the BE helps me with my lungs, also the O2 lack which I was born with. BE helps my daughter with her skin, my her father with his muscle in the left leg. He wants to bike the whole pilgrimage route to Compostella in May. The boyfriend of Marcella with his ankle due to accident few years ago. And even my son , who is very skeptical, tried it for the first time, yesterday for a few minutes. Let's see what that brings. Hope Joshua will also use the BE he has lot of problems. And of course my mother: Remember I told you of her operation on her left knee? Well the wound recovered tremendously quick and looks beautiful, a part of the scar is already hardly to be seen with the naked eye!! She is so proud about it !! Her walking (lets say almost running LOL) recovered very quickly. Her knee which was very big swollen due to the operation is normal again, also her ankle came back to normal thickness. Her physician is not only very pleased but wonders how she did this in such short time. She returned her supporting walking canes more than a month ago!!! Mom was operated on in January 05 and is fit to go on a spa holiday this weekend. How about this all? This is so wonderful. We are so pleased with the BE. Desy 4/6/05
Breathing Class caused me a lot of pain
(12) One night I took a breathing class a couple years ago. This is a class on Tantra breathing, or yoga breathing. The instructor had us do very quick breaths for a long time. It was hyperventilating actually. Some people got dizzy. When I got home I went to sleep. In the middle of the night I started to have legs cramps and soon they got very painful. They both ached from my toes to my hips. I started to moan and woke my husband up. I tried walking it off and it did nothing. For about 20 minutes this went on until I got my husband to set up the Enhancer for me. It had not been set up after I had lent it to a friend.
He said maybe I should go right to the emergency room since we thought it might have something to do with an oncoming heart attack, never experiencing anything like this before. I said let me use the Enhancer first. So, he got it setup and I used it for a half hour. I noticed after the first five minutes my legs started to feel better. I stayed on for at least another 45 minutes and got off to see if I could walk ok? All the pains had stopped using the machine within 15 minutes. Sure enough as usual my Enhancer saved me again. The pain was gone and never came back.
The next day I mentioned it to my girlfriend who went with me to the class and she said it was a build up of carbon dioxide in my body. So I called the breathing instructor. She said yes, this is what happened. I told her if i had not had my Enhancer I would have been in the emergency room. So, no scientific way of proving it but it makes sense the Enhancer got my blood flowing again in my legs and oxygenated them, plus releasing the pain or Carbon dioxide build up?
Painful Lactic acid build up from breathing class while exercising.
(13) A couple years later I took a very hard exercise class for 2 hours. The man had us breathing only through our nose, some were also quick breaths, so I was worried about doing this as you could imagine. After the class was over I told everyone in the group it was the first time I had exercised like that in ten years, or even exercised physically like that period. They actually clapped for me and someone said you are going to be super sore from this. I said maybe but as most of you know i have my Enhancer at home. The ones that had their own said OH yeah, better get right on it. It was a 45 minutes drive home and when I opened the car door to get out, my legs barely worked. As I walked in the house they were shaking and they felt weak. I walked to the kitchen grabbed an orange, water and sat on the Enhancer right away. I used the Enhancer for a half hour. When I got off no weakness or shakiness. To my amazement I never got sore, absolutely no soreness. It was like I had never exercised. I know my body and if I had not had this machine I would have been in bed for a week in agony with every muscle hurting. So it had to have moved the lactic acid build up out of me don't you think? Mary
(14) Terry is a 48 year old man in good health. He used the machine the first night for an hour and a half. He said it made him feel euphoric and that's why he was on it so long. The next morning when he woke up he picked up the newspaper and noticed he could read the print before he put his glasses on. We were astonished. He had worn magnifying glasses for 6 months so he did not have bad eyes for years. He was not able to use the machine until a couple weeks later but by then his eyesight went back to the way it was before. He now uses it daily and his eyesight is great again. This is a good example of the daily need for the Enhancer, just like you need healthy food, clean air and water every day you need to keep up your electrical energy. Terry also injured his hand severely in a construction accident; it had been numb for a few years, now he is regaining the feeling. Also the numbing in his toes are going away.
(15) I stayed on it for a half-hour the first night we had bought it. I noticed I stayed up later then usual that night. The next day the bump of infection I had over my lip was 2/3 gone, I had had it for 3 months, within a few days it was completely gone. Also that night was the first night in months I could sleep through the night without waking up. My nose had been so dry every night I could not breath threw it, I did not know why. It is back to normal now. Also, my uterus has large fibroids, enlarged and is tilted, for a week I had a constant feeling of vibration in it. It was not getting circulation to it I assumed. The Enhancer must have brought the flow of blood to it because now it no longer bothers me and I was ready for an emergency hysterectomy but now I feel I can take it out when I'm ready. As time passed I developed because of weight gain high blood pressure and sometimes get heart palpitations. When that occurs I get on my enhancer and it stops it within a half hour. It does not cure high blood pressure put I feel it helping me digest food, opening up my circulation and raising heart energy Also one morning I woke up with a severe toothache, the pain went into my temple and ear, instead of running to the dentist as I normally would have I used the enhancer for an hour and WOW! The pain was completely gone, even the ear and temple pain, the swollen gland I had was gone the next day. I'm sure the enhancer moved the toxic blood out of my mouth bring in the fresh oxygenated blood. I read that a dentist uses ozone to kill the bacteria of his patients tooth in one minute and their pain. The enhancer has helped break down fat lumps in my arms that had caused pain. If I get a cold, I barely feel the effects of it like others.
(16) My brother Fred had been seriously ill; his adrenals were almost shut down. He was very weak. He is 38 years old and his weight had dropped to 130pounds. I brought him the Enhancer; he used it for an hour and a half. When he got off he said his shoulder pain was gone for the first time in a couple months. It had been dislocated, but the pain had stayed. The longer the injury is the longer it takes to heal. The next morning he woke up with improved eyesight also. He had had bad eyesight since a child. He was so sever he drew a lot of energy from the transformer.
(17) A friend bought the Enhancer, he is 35 and walks with a cane; he had severely injured his back from an accident. He enjoyed the feeling he got from the Enhancer so much that he stayed on it for 3 hours straight. It was the first time he was able to sit that long period of a time in years. Twenty minutes into it, his headache deminished by ¾. That night he stayed up to 2'oclock which was late for him, and the next morning he woke up like he did when he was 17 years old he said. The Enhancer had improved his circulation to his penis. A viagra machine here we joked. His back was better right when he got off.
(18) Glenda had fallen on concrete hitting her right knee. It had been painful and swollen from the day before. After being on her Enhancer for ten minutes she said her knee did not hurt any more, she could tell by rubbing it. She stayed on for 20 more minutes and when she got off the swelling and pain were completely gone. It never bothered her again.
(19) Broderick use to play Football at University of Miami. His wrists and lower back had chronic pain. He used the Enhancer for 45 minutes, the next morning he told me there was no more pain in his wrists or back. Had not come back.
(20) Mark has had constant pain for many years. He is 45 years old, he has arthritis and a degenerative disk in his lower back. He has been a smoker and drinker since a teenager. He used the Enhancer for a half-hour. He told me about a half-hour after the session his back pain was almost gone completely and stayed that way all day. He got back on it the next day and he started to experience a detoxifying effect. It cleaned out his bowels but it was not diarrhea. When he urinated the color changed from clear to yellow and had an odor. That is a very good sign of detoxing, this means the body is getting rid of its toxins, heavy metals, chemicals. all kinds of unwanted things. Another time he had prostrate pain for two weeks, he went back to get on the Enhancer his friend owned. Stayed on it for an hour. After he got off the pain was gone, came back a little next day then was gone for a few weeks. Now he bought one and we will see what happens.
(21) Dee, my girlfriend used it for her chronic back pain, she has had a bad lower backache for ten years. After she got off she was on cloud nine, I've never seen anyone so happy, she stood up from a sitting position without any pain. She couldn't believe it. The next day she brought her 21 year old daughter over because her hand was swollen from typing the day before and it was painful. Ten minutes into the session she called us over to look at her hand. The swelling was gone. Then we put Dee's 13 year old son on the Enhancer, he had had a sprained ankle for 2 weeks and it was still swollen and painful. He stayed on it for ten minutes then got off because he thought it was boring being on the machine. An hour later we got him back on the machine for about ten minutes he wanted off again, when he stood up he said "Mom my ankle doesn't hurt" so he went out to play with the kids and would run in every once in awhile to tell us the pain was still gone. It never came back.
(22) Bob is in his early sixties, he has mild diabetes. He wanted to see what it could do for his swollen leg. He stayed on it for about 45 minutes; his leg was very swollen from his knee to his toes. When he got off he went to put his shoes back on and he said "Hey my shoe just slipped right on without forcing it." He stood up and he could see and feel a decrease. He was smiling when he left and days later he told me the swelling was still down.
(23) Allen came over to visit and I told him what the Enhancer had been doing for people. He asked if it could help his swollen knuckle. I said, "Let's see." After ten minutes he said the pain was completely gone. His son who was with him is 16 and had a painful finger. Something, after ten minutes the pain was gone.
(24) Next is a 38 year old man who had a bladder infection for about 5 years. He had been taking a product called Cystex all long for bladder control. When he urinated it would be painful and milky. He stayed on the Enhancer for about a half hour and felt energy all day. The next morning the pain was gone and the color of the urine was back to normal, he no longer uses the Cystex.
These testimonials do not mean you would get the same results. The following reports are from people who have experimented with this device I don't give sessions or treatments only a demonstration for the sale of this device, this Is not a medical device approved by the FDA. I make no claims Always consult your physician. Mary Seid
(25) The lower part my back has been replaced with titanium, I have suffered with years of back pain. After the titanium the pain was no better. I bought the Molecular Enhancer because it helps with my back pain when I thought there was no hope but now I see there is.
Her mom and dad were here too. Then she put her dad on it, he has diabetes. With in a half hour his back pain was gone and his stomach pain also. I do not know what the stomach pain was from. His legs need circulation so I'll talk to them tomorrow to see how they are because the machine does not stop working on you when you get off. It keeps the energy flowing through out the body so it keeps enhancing the immune system. They are getting the violet ray and the enhancer now yesterday a man in a wheelchair came over with his wife. He had been using the violet ray with great results. The ray with in minutes got two of his fingers working again. He was paralyzed from spinal strokes. The ray also with in a week healed 3quarters of a heel problem that was going to be worked on by the doctors but now not needed. So, he wanted to try the Enhancer. His wife tied the big bulb to his hands and placed his feet on the glass. He sat for a half hour and the wife, when he was through went to lift him up from the chair, as she does many times a day for 5 years. She pulled him up bit his time he helped himself up. His wife Barbara said, " Did you see what you just did?" He Said Yes. I stood right up. I had goose bumps all over me when i heard him say that, it was wonderful. They are so excited about getting one and him using it all the time.
(26) I was in a bicycle accident. As soon as I got home I used my Body Enhancer. My thigh was bruised in about 3"x5' square and very swollen. I used the Enhancer for about an hour and put the bulb mostly on my bruise. The next morning the bruise and swelling was completely gone. You know the next day after an injury like that how worse it gets. Pain was still there but i was so amazed I told every one at work. It was a shame i did not take a photo of before and after. Shows how much the Enhancer makes the blood move. Also I had fallen off my bicycle a few weeks later and came home with a huge golf ball size knot on my elbow, so I putt he bulb directly on it for an hour and when I got off the machine it was completely gone and I had no pain at all. Bill E, Melbourne Fla 7/18/03
(27) The Enhancer has stopped clumps of hair from falling out in the shower and my comb. Plus it has helped stop some tremors that were going on in his body and gave him energy.
Fred Z., Palm Harbor Fla 8/02/03
(28) Last Friday I did a show and did not wear my orthodox foot soles. The next day my foot and whole calf swelled from standing hours on concrete. I used the enhancer for a half hour but nothing, the next day a half hour and nothing but the next day i sat for 2 hours straight and when i got off, my swelling was completely gone. The pain also but see I had to use it for 2hrs.
My friend Irving started selling them because it reversed his bladder cancer in one month using it at an hour a day. Tumors were completely gone. The doctors had wanted to take his bladder out but no longer needs to. He has proof from the Universality of Miami
The Enhancer saved four men from amputation, both having gangrene. Both from Burgers disease, which is the nicotine from cigarettes stick in the hands and legs. The doctors only want to amputate but the Enhancer with in a week saved Mike's leg from the knee down plus he called me and said he could not continue cause it was making him horney. He was waking up like he did when he was 16 years old. So i told him now you can walk better, go get a girlfriend which he did. For some women they say it makes them frisky.
Rev Mary,
Where did your site go????? I still want to purchase that Body Enhancer and cant find you anywhere on the net? Please contact me regarding this ok.
Thanks again
Hello Mary. Still have my enhancer and the colors prototype I purchased from you. Hope you are doing well. Went to find your site and it is no longer up. Let me know where I can get hold of your catalog. Diana
Hi Mary,
your website has been disabled. there is no way i can reach you or to place my order via internet. could you pls email me? my email is:
Mary, he where are you? your numbers don't work anymore, contact me so I can replace a part or 2.....
blessings....I am the one who lives in Florida and you came to see me on your way to deliver a molecular enhancer to someone...I have the friend Alfredo in York? hugs. S
This Is mary Seid, I moved to new website the Body Enhancer is called the Energizer Health Tool email me at
love and Light Rev. Mary
ph 321-525-2511
This is a very thorough article. Thank you for sharing this information.
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